Frame 1686560293
  • Digital Product
  • Brand Identity
Heading 1 → — a digital (3)


  • Industry

  • Duration

    24 Weeks
  • Category

    Digital Product
eDoc Telemed aimed to unify doctors and patients in a seamless telehealth experience across web and mobile platforms.

eDoc Telemed offers a comprehensive telehealth marketplace, connecting patients with healthcare services through an accessible digital platform.

Frame 1686560220
Frame 1686560169 (3) (1)


Group 812
Group 813


palette (3)

The design needed to integrate video calls, payment, and document management, ensuring simplicity for all ages on diverse devices within a complex enterprise application.

Design Elements
Frame 1686560112
Frame 1686560129
Frame 1686560168 (2)

The success of eDoc Telemed is marked by over 1000 doctors providing services, a testament to the platform's user-friendly design and functionality.

Frame 1686560221
Frame 1686560222 (1)

Ready to embark on a digital adventure?

We look forward to connecting and exploring the endless possibilities for your brand in the digital realm.


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