Frame 1686560174
  • Digital Product
  • Brand Identity
Heading 1 → — a digital (2)


  • Industry

  • Duration

    16 Weeks
  • Category

    Digital Product
eSaradhi required an intuitive ebook app design to revolutionize reading and publishing in India's untouched multi-publisher ebook market.

eSaradhi is an Indian innovator, creating a unique platform that allows book publishers to digitize and distribute their works as ebooks, filling a market gap with a multi-publisher platform.

Frame 1686560169 (2)

Design Process

Our design process unfolded in three strategic stages: discovery, where we aligned with eSaradhi's vision; design, crafting a user-centric interface; and delivery, launching an app optimized for varied devices and prolonged reading.

Frame 1686560254
Journey map
Frame 1686560285
User Mobile Wireframe
Frame 1686560256


Group 810
Group 811
Publisher Wireframe
Group 826
Frame 1686560222
palette (2)
Frame 1686560292

Ready to embark on a digital adventure?

We look forward to connecting and exploring the endless possibilities for your brand in the digital realm.


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